Magnolia Arts Sheet music
The following descants, composed
by Tim Brace, are provided free of charge.
You may freely perform and present
them (in any medium), print them out, and distribute them.
Tim Brace retains all
rights of publication and all relevant copyrights including the
right to curtail free distribution at any time.
Trumpet descants
are for B-flat trumpets. The soprano descants are written with a
smaller choir (and non-professional sopranos)
in mind and are
usually written for the final verse of the hymn. The titles are
as they appear in the United Methodist Hymnal;
in parentheses you
will find the generic tune names.
These descants were written for, and are dedicated to, my son Conor Brace - a wonderful player and composer -
who has performed most, if not all, of these descants in church services.
Added in 2020: soprano - Love Divine All Loves Excelling, We Gather Together, Crown Him With Many Crowns,
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
trumpet(s) - Crown Him With Many Crowns, I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light, All Glory Laud and Honor,
Christ the Lord is Risen Today (2 tpts), Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (2 tpts), People Look East (3 tpts).
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Last updated 06/2020
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